Life at Cleo

1 Million users and counting

To celebrate reaching 1,000,000 users we decided to clear someone’s overdraft. Here’s the moment John got all his debt wiped. Thanks to everyone who participated, everyone who came to meet us, and every single person now talking to Cleo across the UK, USA and Canada.

To celebrate reaching 1,000,000 users we decided to clear someone’s overdraft.
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Life at Cleo Kevin Forde: Switching from UX Writer to Content Designer
Life at Cleo

Switching it Up: From UX Writers to Content Designers

Over the past 3 years, we’ve seen a significant number of tech companies shift away from using “UX writer” (or content strategist) as a job title. Meta and Shopify are two examples of big tech companies making this change. ‍Kevin Forde describes how his team became "Content Designers"


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