This is some text inside of a div block with Cleo CTA
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130k+ ratings on the App Store and Google Play
Over 5 million users
See all of your accounts in one place and get an AI budget plan that suits you. Think of Cleo as your own personal AI assistant.
Never miss a payment again. Stay in-the-know with monthly bill and payment reminders.
Cleo analyzes your income and expenses by categorizing them to understand where your money is actually going.
Wake up in the middle of the night with a million money questions? Chat with Cleo at any time and she’ll respond with your entire financial picture at her digital fingertips.
Looking to improve your self control? Ask Cleo to Roast you. Or if you want some light-hearted motivation, ask Cleo to Hype you.
Tired of those annoying overdraft fees? Cleo will keep a close eye on your balance and give you a heads up when things look a little low.