How do I cancel my subscription?
Type "cancel" in Chat and follow the conversation
Once you answer a couple questions, you'll be given an Unsubscribe button
Tap the button to unsubscribe
You can also
go to your profile (in Chat)
select Subscriptions
tap Unsubscribe from Cleo Plus
You will get a confirmation email letting you know your subscription has been cancelled.
If you have an active advance out when you cancel, you'll still have to repay it on the date you chose.
Will my subscription fee be refunded?
If you cancel Cleo Plus within 1 month of signing up β¨ without β¨ requesting a cash advance, then you'll be refunded your subscription payment.
Your money will go back to the card you used to sign up with. Refunds can take 4 business days to process.
If it has been longer than a month or you requested a cash advance, you will be ineligible for a refund.
What if I just delete the app?
Deleting the app does not cancel your subscription. If you'd like to prevent further subscription charges, you must end your subscription before deleting the app π