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What happens if my Cleo Plus subscription payment fails?
What happens if my Cleo Plus subscription payment fails?

You wanted to pay your subscription, but your payment for this month didn't go through

Written by Roisin Allum
Updated today

Sometimes you don’t have enough money, or your card is frozen, or life happens. 

Cleo isn’t judging you, we promise (but if you do want judgement, type “roast me”, you’ll get it in spades).

You won’t be able to access cash advance and other Plus features until you’ve paid your subscription. 

Cleo will try again a few times in the month after your first payment fails, but if you need to access your subscription now, try this:

  1. Check that you have enough money in your account. 

  2. Check that your cards is A-OK—are transactions turned on? Has it expired or does it need updating? Did you lose it and forget?

  3. Cleo will notify you when your payment fails, and give you a chance to add a new card or retry the payment from chat—so keep an eye out for a message from her 👀

  4. If you miss that notification, reach out to the support centre by typing "talk to a human" in chat. We can only retry the payment on the day (we can’t pick a vague future date) so be sure you have the funds đŸ’”

After a month, if your payment has failed, your subscription will lapse and you’ll have to sign up again. You can do that by typing "Cleo Plus" to Cleo—she'll sort you out. 

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