The cash advance for bad credit

You don’t need perfect credit to get a cash advance with us. We get that people with poor credit need a spot sometimes. If you need cover until payday, you could get up to $2501 with no credit check and no interest. 

No hardcredit check

We calculate your eligibility based on other factors, so we don’t need to know your credit history. 

Not even a soft credit check

Like, we don’t even need a ballpark figure.

No interest, always

We want to make repayment as manageable as possible. So if you get $100, you repay $100. (Unless you choose to pay an express fee1)

Why no credit check ?

It’s simple. We don’t think a poor credit score should stop you from getting a spot when you really need one. We also think judging people on their credit score pushes them toward more predatory cash advances, with huge interest rates. 

We’re not here to judge. We want to make our cash advance for bad credit accessible to everyone. We work out your eligibility based on other factors than your credit history. 

So we never ask what your credit score is. And there’s never any interest.  

How does cleo calculate eligibility then?

To calculate whether you could get up to $2501, our AI algorithm securely analyzes information from your bank account and determines your eligibility based on a combination of factors like your income, spending, and borrowing patterns.
Still have questions? Find answers below.
What is Cleo’s cash advance?
Why is Cleo’s cash advance a good option if you have poor credit?
How do I get a cash advance from Cleo? 
Is Cleo Plus worth it?
What if I’m not eligible for a cash advance?
How else is Cleo different from other apps?
Can I get a cash advance if I’m a gig worker?
1 Subject to eligibility. Amounts range from $20-$250, and $20-$100 for first time users. Amounts subject to change. Same day transfers subject to express fees.

2 Based on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s key findings detailing that the average overdrafter spends $250 on fees.

3 The Cleo Plus subscription offers saving goals, hacks, challenges, APY on savings, credit score insights, and access to cash advances if eligible. You may also apply for a cash advance without subscribing by contacting