The Importance of Budgeting When Using a Cash Advance
Before taking out a cash advance, understand how to create a budget and manage expenses to avoid financial trouble down the line 💅
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Looking for a cash advance? We got you.
You know the feeling. You’re all set to glide to payday. And then you find yourself with a broken-down car. Or some other unexpected expense.
This is where sneaky overdraft fees and predatory payday loan apps come in, designed to trap you in a downwards money spiral. (Don't even get us started on all the reasons why "overdraft protection" is BS.)
Luckily, there are plenty of safe apps that offer instant cash advances out there - with no interest, and no credit checks required. Today we’re taking a look at Albert.
Yes, Albert lets you borrow money. With its Advance cash feature, you can get up to $250.
A cash advance is calculated against your credit card limit or income, so you’re effectively borrowing from your next paycheck in advance of receiving it.
Or as Albert put it on the app’s website: “We’ll send up to $250 from your next paycheck straight to your bank account. Just repay us when you get paid.”
Albert lets you borrow up to $250 dollars. There are no credit checks for Albert Instant cash advances. This amount depends on a variety of factors, including how much money you make.
Albert states on the app’s website that it primarily looks to find:
You can borrow up to three Albert cash advances per pay period, though you must repay your outstanding loan before receiving another.
According to Albert, if you direct your cash advance to your linked bank account, you will receive the cash in 2-3 days.
Otherwise, there is a $6.99 fee for instant transfer.
Need to be playfully held accountable for your ✨ low vibrational ✨ spending moments? Want a money app with personality? Meet Cleo, the money app that roasts you.
With Cleo, you can:
💙 Build a budget that’s right for you
💙 Use autosave to build savings without thinking
💙Get roasted for your questionable money habits, and hyped for all the good you’re doing
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Meet you, but with no money stress.
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Big love. Cleo 💙
Before taking out a cash advance, understand how to create a budget and manage expenses to avoid financial trouble down the line 💅
Cash advances can be a solid option in an emergency situation. Here’s some money management advice for using them safely.
The pros and cons of using cash advances. Plus, an alternative option 👀