Black Friday is a scam
Even though you’re totally gonna BOYCOTT BLACK FRIDAY, it still exists
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Even though you’re totally gonna BOYCOTT BLACK FRIDAY, it still exists
Whether it’s a pair of those weird toe socks or a one-way ticket to a f*ckboy’s house, we all thought it was breakups that triggered our most ridiculous spending. Turns out, it’s isolation – here are some of your weirdest pandemic purchases, rated.
In this episode of Money Stories we spoke to Mona. Mona is lovely, too lovely. Here's her spending-self.
Recessions are out of our immediate control but luckily, Cleo's got some top tips💡
Now, we expected some kind of shift in spending, you know, given the world is literally on it’s ass right now. But these. These are some weirdly iconic ways of coping with stress – here are the outlets with your biggest % increase in spending since Feb.
COVID-19 has hit people hard financially. This is $ redistribution at it’s best – collective gifts of $250 from those who want to help, to those who need it most.
This is not a loan, there’s nothing to pay back – this is a $250 gift for those of you that COVID-19 has hit hardest
Random Acts of Relief has just launched. It's all about getting gifts of $250 to those of you who need it right now, by crowdsourcing money from those who can afford to give.
It’s that time again, the one where we dive deep into the shocking depths of Twitter to find you raving or repenting about your latest buys.
If you need some words of encouragement right now, you're in the right place.
Slowly but surely, normality is rearing its head into this whole pandemic thing. As much as you might feel ready to get back to things, you’ve made some strong relationships in the last few months. Seriously strong, like your HUGE commitment to food delivery strong. Consider this an ode to your takeout spending as you move on to the next chapter of your life. Restaurants.